

How important is it to have a biography page?
How important is it to have a biography page? By Eduardo de Oliveira in Resources June 26, 2024
Have you ever wondered how important it is to have a biography page? A bio page is a way to introduce who you are, what you do, and what you offer your audience. It’s a way to differentiate yourself from the competition and show your personality...
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Did you know that it is possible to change the destination of a Shortened Link or QR Code without having to generate it again via CuboPlus?
Did you know that it is possible to change the destination of a Shortened Link or QR Code without having to generate it again via CuboPlus? By Eduardo de Oliveira in Resources May 20, 2024
CuboPlus offers a flexible solution for generating Shortened Links and QR Codes with custom URLs, which you can edit at any time, allowing you to change destinations as needed. Here are some advantages:Editing Flexibility:...
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The Importance of Link, QR Code, and Bio Page Data Analysis
The Importance of Link, QR Code, and Bio Page Data Analysis By Renato Goncalves Freitas in Resources February 21, 2024
In an increasingly digitized world, data analysis has become a fundamental tool for the success of any business. When it comes to identifying opportunities, understanding customer behavior, and driving growth, we can gather data from...
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Have you ever heard of two-factor authentication (2FA)?
Have you ever heard of two-factor authentication (2FA)? By Eduardo de Oliveira in Resources January 17, 2024
Have you ever heard of two-factor authentication (2FA)? It's a way to protect your online accounts against intrusions and fraud, using a code generated by an application on your smartphone, in addition to your password. In this blog, we will...
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What is a QR Code for?
What is a QR Code for? By Eduardo de Oliveira in Resources January 15, 2024
Do you already know what a QR Code is? It is a two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned by smartphone and tablet cameras, and which stores various information, such as links, texts, passwords, telephone numbers, contacts (vCard), Events and...
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Why use a link shortener platform?
Why use a link shortener platform? By Eduardo de Oliveira in Resources January 09, 2024
Have you ever thought about how a link shortener can help you better promote your business, product or service on the internet? In this text, we will show you the advantages of using a link shortener platform, how you can benefit from it and why...
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